[FSPA] Shipping Games?

steve flynnibus at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 20 19:31:27 EST 2017

 One thought is it kind of forces things to be hand carried.. until the forklifts are around :)
I'm of the mindset of making it easy to handle, and hard to mark up.  No packing is safe from a forklift fork.. but if you make it non-forklift friendly, you might have a better chance.  
What I'd like to see someone refine with me is a 'boot' or tray to sit the bottom of a game for moving on the game's back.  Modern sterns lack the skids the 80s and 90s cabinets used.  I would make a boot you slip over the back of the cabinet that is secure enough to allow the game to be put on its back and dragged around without damaging any of the cosmetics.
    On Wednesday, December 20, 2017, 4:15:09 PM EST, The Bob via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:  
 What kills me is the number of people that ship games with the legs on.  Why oh why?  It's not designed to be transported that way.

On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Dan Reynolds <daniel.j.reynolds at gmail.com> wrote:

i had a game shipped to me once via NAVL (A collector's quality Funhouse, legs on, head down, wrapped very well with plastic and blankets and the bottoms of the legs fortified so they wouldn't bend).  It's probably the best option, but that doesn't mean it's a great option.  The company itself does nothing to ensure it's packed right.  The seller needs to cushion the hell out of the game, and even then it's a total Russian Roulette spin regarding the competency of the labor moving the pin around as it makes its journey.  The guys who delivered it to me didn't know what they were delivering, and also didn't know what a pinball machine was.  They were fine, though.  The game arrived okay.
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 11:21 AM, The Bob via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:

They do as little as possible.  Safe shipping is the shipper's responsibility.  I've had games shipped to me that were strapped to a pallet in perfect condition.  I've also had games arrive (via Uship which I don't recommend) in the middle of somebody's SUV wrapped in plastic and that's it.  When I was a LOT younger I worked in warehouses.  Almost everyone working there would have met the criteria for a DUI walking around.  It's a boring job, what else are ya gonna do? ;)

I shipped a game to a guy in the original Stern box once which I felt pretty good about.  When I shipped my ACDC I spent probably 2 hours protecting every corner and side with a layer of cardboard, blankets, another layer of cardboard and an entire roll of shrinkwrap.  They both arrived unscathed.

Given the way the universe is headed if I personally did a long-distance transaction more than 1-2K I'd use an escrow service.  PayPal hasn't F'd me but lots of people have lost their money and their games so caveat emptor.


On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 11:06 AM, Steve Peck via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:

Hey all,
anyone ever ship games to a buyer via i.e. navl?

how does that normally go with exchanging payment, responsibility of shipping, etc?

like does navl inspect the game on behalf of the buyer or what? No Idea how this works. any insight is appreciated. 


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