[FSPA] XMen @ Joel, Dialed In Bluetooth @ all?

ethan at 757.org ethan at 757.org
Thu Jul 13 11:42:19 EDT 2017

Joel - the Xmen rebuild of the sound module -- one of them has left 
channel audio only, the other produces no audio. There are a lot more 
factors, I didn't realize my Neo Geo MVS cabinet isn't JAMMA spec - which 
is a specification for pinout of the game circuit board / cabinet 
connector. Neo Geo breaks the standard to add stereo speakers, which 
apparently damages audio amplifiers on true JAMMA spec game boards. So 
more troubleshooting ahead to figure out if the audio amp has a channel 
blown on both boards, and of course why does the other module not produce 

Dialed In! I've made it to VUK twice so far, what an epic place. I tried 
the bluetooth feature on dialed in. App on iphone SE, lauched no issue. I 
see bluetooth connected so that looks good. It shows a screen with 4 
buttons, and nothing really ever happens. What / when should it do 
something? Dialed In is pretty refreshing -- it's the first title in a 
long time it seems that isn't licensed IP, it's original. Looks pretty, 
feels slower than sterns but that is true of all JJP.

AFM remake - at first it was like -- this doesn't feel like a Williams, it 
feels more like a Sega or something just based on the flippers. It's 
bright and pretty and a AFM is an awesome game so great that there will be 
more of them in the wild! The big screen at first seemed strange and makes 
my brain think it's a widebody but I gotta admit -- it looks nice after a 
while! Also, I DO MISS THE XEON STROBE! The LED array doesn't pack the 
same punch, though it might be possible to get similar light output to the 
original strobe with a more powerful LED array / driver.

The MM - Is the LCD in there a color DMD with no game file loaded or is it 
special because remake?

Ethan O'Toole

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