[FSPA] TourneyGuru signups

Joe Schober afljoeys at aol.com
Tue Jul 18 19:21:29 EDT 2017

Gregg wrote...

> I’m not seeing how you can input notes.

Click on a bank.
Click on a machine in that bank.
Click on the pencil near the top of the page.

The notes are per-machine-per-bank, because they're intended to be comments on any idiosyncrasies of a *specific* machine... so, "On the Twilight Zone in bank 22, there's no tilt, but the slot machine kickout goes SDTM!"  But the Twilight Zone in bank 44 might be the exact opposite, very tilty but a clean kickout.  So the comments need to be per-bank.  (There aren't many duplicate machines at Pinburgh, but there may be a few...)


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