[FSPA] Preplays VUK

Kevin Stone pinball at kevinsplanet.com
Thu Sep 21 12:48:58 EDT 2017

Mostly agree, but telling someone that is not actively playing a league match they can’t play pinball contradicts the aspect of public location, and that league doesn’t have exclusivity to the machines.  Ergo, if someone wants to play pinball after they’re done playing league, they are perfectly welcome to do so.  Consideration would be nice in the simple form of asking remaining groups what games they have left and maybe avoiding those.


The other moral of the story is – DON’T try and get a pre-play in within the last 10 minutes before league starts.  All you end up doing is rushing anyway, probably don’t play well.


From: FSPA [mailto:fspa-bounces+pinball=kevinsplanet.com at fspazone.org] On Behalf Of Dave Hubbard via FSPA
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 12:08 PM
To: FSPA main discussion list
Cc: Dave Hubbard
Subject: Re: [FSPA] Preplays VUK


On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 11:24 AM, Freddy via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:

Why stop playing the game? People do preplays while the league is still going. Which is extremely annoying and slows everything down. Causing people playing league games to have to wait for them to finish their preplay game.


You stop because it is specifically in the league rules that you MUST stop any preplay once league STARTS.  Anyone not stopping is violating FSPA league rules.


If people are finished with league and starting in on preplays while other people are trying to finish up league, then this is a gray area.  There is no stipulation that the entire league must be finished before anyone can start on preplays, only that the preplayer can't be in an active league match AND be doing a preplay.  However, doing preplays while other people are trying to finish up league is generally considered poor form and frowned upon, but it would be up to the SLO to deal with this situation if it arises.


I might suggest to the current Officers that Section 9 be amended to disallow all preplaying while any league match is going on - that seems a sensible thing to do and would solve this situation.  Preplays should never take precedence over league play.  Anyone found to be doing that would just have their game voided.


        --- Dave



"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about."

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