[FSPA] Carpool Results from 7/31

Bob Johnson worktheweb at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 15:00:41 EDT 2018


You made me laugh my ass off when I read this, seriously. 

Points taken and noted. I love you for who you are and your stance of civil liberties. The issue is that the list crosses boundaries that aren’t necessarily obvious. The forum is owned by the FSPA and it’s governed/policed by the FSPA. We try to keep it unilaterally friendly although it does roll from side-to-side now and then. Given that it’s private the personal feelings that I might normally share HAVE to be suppressed. I have teeth marks on my tongue, trust me. 

We have a Slack channel for these purposes. :)


> On Aug 4, 2018, at 14:45, Mario <thisismario007 at aol.com> wrote:
> BJ,
> This is all bullshit.
> If this is going to become a referendum on how we should act or speak in public, let’s try and remember we are adults in an adult environment.  Are there no spaces left where we can express ourselves as adults without some fake-outrage, social justice warrior trying to make themselves feel better by trying to check me for using adult language in an adult setting?  If the point is that there are children on here, it’s not like I’m running over to an elementary school and being profane.  I’m choosing to be profane in an adult environment.  Any children that may be on here, of which I doubt, are guests in my adult environment and should be policed by their parents, not by me.  This league is an adult setting, where you have to provide money to play, people drink adult beverages, and have transportation to show up.  All earmarks of adult members of society, not children.  There are a lot worse things on the internet than some salty language, so let’s not pretend we’re protecting any kids.
> Now, if some adult like Joe K. gets his panties in a twist every time he hears adult language, maybe he should just shake his head and press delete instead of making a Federal Case out of it.  It’s all part of being part of a public forum.  Censorship of any kind is un-American.  And it’s a little hypocritical coming from someone who fought the DMV to have “F-TERROR” on their license plate.  Maybe “Pretty Please As Long As Nobody Is Offended F-Terror” was already taken?
> I don’t care about the scores not being put in sooner.  I was just making a joke about it taking so long and others who direct messaged me found it funny.  Shit happens and there are delays.  That’s life.  But I won’t allow people to try and tell me what to say or how to behave.  Fuck all that.  
> -Mario “Fuck All That” Adractas 
>> On Aug 4, 2018, at 11:41 AM, Bob Johnson <worktheweb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dude. 
>> Feel free to aim whatever you want at me but please remember this is a wide-open email list. We have people of all ages and humor levels that subscribe. I’m no snowflake but that comment is way over the thin red line. 
>> As far as the scores go, I got on a plane Thursday afternoon and left them in the car. I almost made my son drive to National with my spare set of keys to retrieve them. If I hadn’t already gone through airport security I would have retrieved them myself.  That said I’ll enter them Monday night when I get back. 
>> As far as the comment goes, I know you’re just giving me a hard time and I fully accept it.  Not everyone does though so if you could walk it back I think we’d all breathe easier. 
>> See you Tuesday. 
>> Bob J. 
>>> On Aug 4, 2018, at 07:49, Mario via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:
>>> Whose dick do I have to suck to get our scores posted from last week?  JEEEEZ!!!!  Let’s GO, “Bukkake” Bob!
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