[FSPA] My status at lost rhino

Joe Schober afljoeys at aol.com
Wed Aug 15 22:02:11 EDT 2018

Bob K Mertz wrote...

> Sorry I'm missing league again tonight and it looks like I'll be missing it next week as well. I'm guessing that since I already used 8 preplays in the last couple of weeks that means I'm down to forfeits only or are you allowed to use more than 8 preplays? I know we are close to the end of the season so I'm really wondering if I'll be officially ending the season or if I'm going to be forfeited out?

The good news: 12 preplays (games -- 3 weeks' worth) in a season is no problem.  You had preplays for 3 of your 4 scheduled games tonight.

The bad news: if you can't make league next week, it kinda doesn't matter -- you can't preplay playoffs.

The worse news: you didn't make the playoff cut anyway.

Sorry about the work suckiness.


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