[FSPA] Pinabler Tour Championship on 8/24 cancelled - kinda defunct

Kevin Stone pinball at kevinsplanet.com
Sat Aug 17 10:41:33 EDT 2019

FYI, the Pinabler Tour Championship scheduled for 8/24 at MOM's is cancelled.  Has been for a while but forgot to make it official.

Bottom line it was supposed to be a circuit event for weekly and monthly tournaments but I never did anything regarding rules or standings, and basically forgot about it due to work load.

In lieu of playing in that tournament, players can get their pinball fix by attending the grand pinball opening tournament at Ocelot Brewing in Dulles, Va, located at 23600 Overland Drive #180
Dulles, VA 20166.
*             August 24th at 1pm (Practice Starts at 11am)
*             $10 Entry Fee (Free to ALL New/Unranked Players), so bring your family and friends!
*             Cash Prizes to the top four finishers, and other prizes as well!

Sorry for any inconvenience if you were planning on playing in Pinabler, but then again since no standings ever went out, no one actually knew if they were eligible to play.

Next tournament run by Pinholics Anonymous will be Never Cry VÜK in a Knockout followed by Pinholics Anonymous periodic meeting at house of Stone.  9/21 and 9/28 respectively.  Sign-ups for both of those will commence on 8/21 and 8/28.  Sign-up info will go out this weekend in the newsletter (after a 4 or 5 month break).

Any question, email me direct at pinball at kevinsplanet.com<mailto:pinball at kevinsplanet.com>

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