[FSPA] New RUSH pin @ Lost Rhino Brewery in Ashburn

Roland Joyal joyalrj at aol.com
Wed Jan 26 18:17:43 EST 2022

As stated in my original note, RUSH is now ready in time for Week Zero tonight at Lost Rhino Brewery, the official time being 7:30 - 9:30, but one can certainly go earlier.  It will also be on FREE PLAY for the last hour.  And it is Insider Connected thanks to Rob helping out since he has connected home pins.  Got GC after 3 games, but Bryan will be there tonight and so I know all that will be gone by tomorrow, LOL.   
Dave, as far as your two suggestions go, I can tell you Steve is not going to read a long note if he didn't properly read a short note prior to him giving an unfair review (people on line find it easy to take cheap or inaccurate shots).  I would have hoped he would have replied saying something like "sorry, I misread your note and took a chance to see if it was set up earlier", and things would be cool.  But things were aggravated by voicing yet a second complaint that I had to address since this is my business and income, so I take complaints seriously.  
And yes Dave, I was going to suggest playing it at MSB also, but then again MSB said they were going to unbox it and who knows if the game will have hidden damage or has problems not working, and if Steve drove over there and it wasn't working I might get another complaint because I sent him there, & he perhaps could even say MSB also should not have announced the game until it was confirmed in working order.  In my last two lengthy paragraphs I was simply trying to give Steve the benefit of the doubt and tried to think of some rare scenarios where he may have honestly confused rumors or legitimate delays with official release notes.  
Anyway, if Steve is listening, I would like to buy him one of Lost Rhino's amazing beers if he wants to come by ...that's how we roll at Silverball Sanctum & Lost Rhino!  I have to take my foster Son to basketball and it unfortunately coincides during week Zero times, and family comes first, but I will try to get back over there if he gets done early.   -Roland  

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Hubbard via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org>
To: FSPA main discussion list <fspa at fspazone.org>
Cc: Dave Hubbard <dave.hubbard at gmail.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 26, 2022 9:05 am
Subject: Re: [FSPA] New RUSH pin @ Lost Rhino Brewery in Ashburn

Options here:
1) Take the time to read all that and try to make sense of it2) Drive to MSB, play Rush, drive home
      --- Dave

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 1:40 AM steve via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:

    On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 01:22:42 AM EST, Roland Joyal <joyalrj at aol.com> wrote:  
 No Steve, it was not like that at all, it was in plain and simple English, and there were no LARGE and tiny fonts implied or inferred (because I know you did not mean literally) with your analogy about font sizes.  Additionally, the accurate & simple info was not buried in some page-long email, otherwise then I would understand.  Suggest not over-analyzing things and/or reading things into very simple, accurate, well-intended statements.  If you wanted to be sure you could play then I would recommend you come when the note said it would be ready by, and NOT just any time before that day and time, which is what you were hoping for.  If the credible shipping information I got earlier tonight is wrong and it doesn't get set up by 7:30 PM on Wed like I said it would, then I will do the proper thing and modify the note so as to minimize the inconvenience, and apologize for it not being ready on time.  But I am NOT going to apologize for buying a game for the league to play on and sending an FSPA email giving players a "heads-up" that it is scheduled to be there for Week Zero so they can plan ahead.  
As far as addressing your further complaint about "not the first time this story played out there" is concerned, that is a baseless or out-of-context claim as far as announcements coming from me.  First off, a person not reading the note properly is not a (second) "time" or "story" happening again.  Secondly, I always tell the truth on new games I intend to purchase for league play and try and get them ready ASAP.  But I can't be responsible for rumors, typically passed on by good-intentioned players, as everyone knows people pass on only partial information.  And perhaps you might be referring to one time when Jurassic Park was announced it was coming to LR (and it DID come) but Stern had playfield issues that I found out about through my connections in the industry, so I delayed mine and my customer's orders to protect them.  No one wants to get stuck with a JP with playfield issues.  "Stuff" happens ...no one could predict that and that should not dictate a limitation on announcements.  
Instead of negativity, maybe you could keep things in perspective as there were PLENTY of new or cool pins I said I was purchasing for league play that came true.  Umm, let's see ...new Attack From Mars Remake, new Monster Bash Special Edition Remake, new Star Wars, Fun House, Road Show, Adams Family, new Jurassic Park, etc.  Now, did at some point during league play when I'm asked when a new pin destined for LR is coming out, and I tell them my best educated estimate, and they take and spread that as "fact"?  Yes, I'm sure that happens.  I may have confided to a friend or player at league "I would like to get a xxxxx (particular game)", and they translated that to someone else as "we are probably getting a particular game", and that person told someone else, and in no time it became "we are definitely getting a xxxxx particular game, AND getting it this weekend".  Yes, I'm sure that happens/happened, but that is the human condition, Steve, so please don't take things out on me and send an email blast when all I was doing is giving FSPA'ers who share my pin excitement a heads-up for a hot new pin for Week Zero.  If you have any further comments, please take it off-line, as you have my personal email address.
  Thank you -Roland     
-----Original Message-----
From: steve <flynnibus at yahoo.com>
To: fspa at fspazone.org <fspa at fspazone.org>; Roland Joyal <joyalrj at aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2022 10:28 pm
Subject: Re: [FSPA] New RUSH pin @ Lost Rhino Brewery in Ashburn

 It was more like...
FREE BEERtomorrow

'Setup in time' means anytime BEFORE that deadline.  But whatever.  Not the first time this kind of story played out there...  Suggestion.. limit the 'new game here' posts to when you actually are ready to take coin.
    On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, 08:27:53 PM EST, Roland Joyal <joyalrj at aol.com> wrote:  
 The note did not say it was available to play today.  It said it is scheduled to arrive today. Furthermore, it went on to say "will be set up in time for FSPA League Week Zero tomorrow, Wed 7:30 - 9:30 PM".  So "thumbs down" to your email and whoever your school reading teachers were, lol.
And I just got notified tonight it did not arrive in time this morning to make the truck like the tracking information said it already had, adding that someone should have contacted me to tell me that, instead of leaving the incorrect information on the tracking site that it was out for local delivery. They said it came right after the local truck left, so it is now scheduled to arrive by noon, tomorrow (Wed), and IF it does arrive, it will still be available to play exactly when I stated in my note.   -Roland

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Kapinos <flynnibus at yahoo.com>
To: Roland Joyal <joyalrj at aol.com>; FSPA main discussion list <fspa at fspazone.org>
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2022 7:43 pm
Subject: Re: [FSPA] New RUSH pin @ Lost Rhino Brewery in Ashburn

Maybe arriving- but not available *thumbs down*
Went over there and no Rush.


On Jan 25, 2022, at 3:15 PM, Roland Joyal via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:

RUSH is scheduled to arrive today at Lost Rhino Brewery in Ashburn and will be set up in time for FSPA League Week Zero tomorrow, Wed 7:30 - 9:30 PM, so come on out and get your RUSH and PINBALL on!   Please note this is an additional game, as no game leaves when it arrives.  -Roland (Silverball Sanctum)_______________________________________________
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