[FSPA] Dialed In now at VUK!

Edward Most edwardmost at verizon.net
Fri Jun 23 11:17:35 EDT 2017


Edward Most
edwardmost at verizon.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Wintler-Cox via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org>
To: fspa <fspa at fspazone.org>
Cc: Rob Wintler-Cox <rwintlercox at gmail.com>
Sent: Fri, Jun 23, 2017 10:54 am
Subject: [FSPA] Dialed In now at VUK!

As some of you may know from the social media frenzy that erupted last night, Jersey Jack’s new Pat Lawlor-designed game Dialed In has joined the lineup at VÜK. Several even ventured out to play it, including a rare sighting of old John’s Place regular (and surprise Pinburgh finalist) Adam Ruben. This is an LE, though I’m not certain if that makes any difference in game play.

The plan is for it to be in rotation for this Sunday’s league, so if you have plans not to be there — and I’m looking at Tim and Francis specifically — it might behoove you to get down there and throw in a preplay on it. If I remember my math correctly, the likelihood that your group will play that as one of your four games is less than 50%, but that doesn’t factor in opportunistic opponents’ game picks. 

And apparently Pat Lawlor giveth, and Pat Lawlor taketh away: Twilight Zone was chosen to return home. John Locke will be in a period of mourning for the foreseeable future.

So watch the online videos, read the tutorials, download the app (which I can’t get to run on my phone… :’( ), and get ready to avert disasters with Dialed In!

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