[FSPA] Silverball Sanctum operating hours survey

Roland Joyal joyalrj at aol.com
Thu Feb 1 14:47:58 EST 2018

Thanks to the roughly 30 players that have signed up to play league pinball at Silverball Sanctum.  It was a really fun and social crowd ...and the "after-party" play and competitions were great!  Was also good to see some players that have returned from previous years.  

As mentioned on Monday,  I wanted to survey players to see what day of week and time period they would like to see the place open to practice and/or for casual play, or selfie, etc tourney play.  As I see this as a league & tournament "hang-out", social type of place, I will trust the keys to the place to volunteer officers to open two or three times a week so players can chill and attempt to control the silver ball.

Please take a minute to eMail me OFFLINE at JoyalRJ at aol dotcom and let me know what weekday/weekend nights (about 6 or 7 PM -10PM) and which weekend day, Sat or Sun you would like to play, and how often, if at all, you would likely come to play per week or month.

And if anyone is interested in volunteering, let me know that as well.    

Thanks -Roland  
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