[FSPA] Offering help getting vaccine appointments

Dan Madere dan at danmadere.com
Fri Mar 19 10:49:45 EDT 2021

Hello all,

I'm a web developer and have recently started working with Maryland
Equitable Vaccine Hunters, a group that helps eligible people book covid
vaccine appointments. We are all volunteers and the people we help don't
pay anything. We have a FB page at

I wanted to reach out and see if anyone in the group needs help with
getting an appointment. We have been successful in helping many, many
people including those outside Maryland. Many of you may be eligible and
not realize it. Maryland is opening it up to age 60+ starting 3/23, so many
will be eligible through that. DC residents can travel to MD, VA or PA to
get the vaccine if they meet the current eligibility requirements in the
state they travel to. VA and PA give eligibility to all kinds of conditions
including common ones like smoking. There are many avenues to eligibility
even if you live in the district and are stuck on the pre-reg list. Please
contact me off-list if you'd like help with all this.

It's so exciting to have the end of the pandemic in sight. Can't wait to
get back to the league!

Dan Madere
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