[FSPA] Buying tickets for Pinburgh - Urgent

Joe Schober afljoeys at aol.com
Sun Feb 24 13:04:32 EST 2019

> On Feb 24, 2019, at 11:36 AM, Dave Hubbard via FSPA <fspa at fspazone.org> wrote:
> 4) I don't think "player newness" is a consideration for Pinburgh at all.  This is a premier, destination tournament.  Anyone considering travel to Pittsburgh or paying $130 to compete is already leaps and bounds ahead of a new player used to $5 local weeklies or a $20 weekend tournament.

I disagree. We see increasing numbers of people who stumble into competitive pinball through one of those $5 weeklies, or through a league like FSPA, and get totally hooked. Then they hear at league night that there’s this amazing Pinburgh tournament coming up, it’s an entire league season compressed into a weekend, so much fun, you gotta try it! So this excited player is sitting there at 11:59:59 with the rest of us, finger poised on Refresh. This is exactly the sort of player that I hope gets a Pinburgh ticket so they get further drawn into the community... that’s how the next generation of players is established. 


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